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Arie Purwanto

Citizens' trust in open government data: a quantitative study about the effects of data quality, system quality and service quality

03 Februari 2023 / Tahun 2019 Hal. 1-9

Previous research assumes that poor quality of Open Government Data (OGD), OGD portals, and the services provided for OGD may result in reduced trust of citizens in OGD. However, studies that empirically test this assumption are scarce. Using the Information Systems (IS) Success Model as a theoretical basis, this study aims to examine the effects of data quality, system quality, and service quality on citizens" trust in OGD. We used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to analyze the 200 responses to our online questionnaire. We found that trust in OGD can be predicted by citizens" perceptions of OGD system quality and service quality. Furthermore, citizens" perception of service quality positively influences their perceptions of data and system quality, whereas citizens" perception of system quality positively influences their perception of data quality. This study is among the first that quantitatively examines the effects of data quality, service quality, and system quality on citizen"s trust in OGD. It contributes to the scientific literature by providing an operationalization of elements of the IS Success Model in the context of OGD and by developing and applying a model of factors influencing citizen"s trust in OGD. While previous research finds that perceived data quality is the most crucial driver for trust in OGD, our study finds that citizens" perception of OGD service quality is a more important driver for trust in OGD. With regard to the practical contributions of this study, open data policymakers should be aware that citizens" perceptions on data quality can be greatly improved when appropriate human services are provided (e.g., designated civil servants offering support or help to data users) in addition to the provision of OGD portal functionalities (e.g., data visualization and comparison tools).

Citizen engagement in an open election data initiative: A case study of Indonesian

02 Februari 2023 / 18 Mei - 30 Juni 2018 Hal. 1-10

Citizen engagement is key to the successful and sustainable use of Open Government Data (OGD), involving multiple activities ranging from the retrieval and conversion of raw data to OGD based applications, to the use of these applications to solve societal problems. However, there is a lack of insight into what drives citizens to engage in OGD initiatives. Such insight helps inform policymakers in stimulating and improving the engage ability of an OGD program. This study aims to identify factors that influence why citizens engage in OGD initiatives. To attain this objective, we conducted a single case study of citizen engagement in an open election data initiative in Indonesia. Our study shows that social altruism as an intrinsic motivation is a strong driver for citizens to start and continue engaging with open election data. Low data quality appeared not to hinder citizens from engaging in the OGD initiative; in contrast, it can lead to more engagement. An election is typically concerning with political participation, yet trust and political efficacy factors only marginally influenced citizen engagement in our case study. The case shows that, in a time-critical situation where potential social conflicts were seen to threaten the citizens" lives, collective actions are enabled by the availability of OGD. We draw some key lessons learnt for policymakers to enhance OGD engage ability. Further research is needed to examine whether factors found in this particular case also apply in different settings.

Group development stages in open government data engagement initiatives: a comparative case studies analysis

02 Februari 2023 / Hal. 1-12

Citizens are increasingly using Open Government Data (OGD) and engaging with OGD by designing and developing applications They often do so by collaborating in groups, for example through self-organized groups or government-induced open data engagement initiatives, such as hackathons. The successful use and engagement of OGD by groups of citizens can greatly contribute to the uptake and adoption of OGD in general. However, little is known regarding how groups of citizens develop in OGD engagement. This study aims at exploring and understanding the development stages of citizen groups in OGD engagement. To attain this objective, we conducted a comparative case study of group development stages in two different types of OGD engagement. Our cases show that leadership and diversity of capabilities significantly contribute to the success of citizen groups in OGD engagement. These findings suggest that connecting citizens having a diversity of expertise prior to the OGD engagement event helps to improve its effectiveness. This research is among the first to apply group development stages model in open data engagement studies and thus opening up new research opportunities concerning group developments in the open data literature

Citizens' motivations for engaging in open data hackathons

02 Februari 2023 / Tahun 2019 Hal. 1-12

Engaging citizens in open data hackathons provides opportunities for innovation and the generation of new services and products. This paper aims to explore the motivations of citizens who engage in open agriculture data hackathons. We conducted a case study and analyzed data collected from 161 participants of 11 farming hackathons held between 2016 and 2018 in the Netherlands. We found that participants of open agriculture data hackathons have different roles, including business developer, concept thinker, data analyst, data owner, developer, manager, marketer, problem owner, and student. Our analysis shows that citizens are predominantly motivated to engage in open agricultural data hackathons as part of their work. Furthermore, developers and problem owners are mainly motivated by fun and enjoyment. This indicates that it is important for open data policymakers and hackathon organizers to consider different approaches based on citizens' roles when organizing open data hackathons. This paper contributes to the literature by providing insight in the motivations of citizens engaging in open agriculture data hackathons in comparison with hackathons in other sectors, and by mapping citizens' roles to their motivations for engaging in such hackathons.

Citizen engagement with open government data Lessons learned from Indonesia's presidential election

01 Februari 2023 / ITransforming Government: People, Process and Policy Vol XIV Issue 1 3 Juni - Desember 2020 Hal. 1-30

Citizen engagement is key to the success of many Open Government Data (OGD) initiatives. However, not much is known regarding how this type of engagement emerges. This study aims to investigate the necessary conditions for the emergence of citizen-led engagement with OGD and to identify which factors stimulate this type of engagement.

Towards an open government data success model: a case study from Indonesia

01 Februari 2023 / 2017 Hal. 1-9

Governments around the world are following the global open government movement by initiating Open Government Data (OGD) programs. They are motivated by the claim that it will generate economic and social value. However, the success of an OGD initiative will only be realized when OGD is used and when the use results in the creation of public value. Even though a plethora of academic research has examined various aspects of OGD initiatives, the question regarding how OGD generates public value remains unaddressed. This paper aims to develop an OGD success evaluation model that offers a systematic way of understanding how OGD creates public value. For this purpose, we first present and explore public value generation through an OGD initiative in the context of Indonesia"s 2014 presidential election. Subsequently, we propose an OGD success evaluation model that explicates how service, information and system quality affect the intention to use OGD and user satisfaction, which in turn lead to the creation of public values. This paper contributes to the literature by applying the Information Systems Success Model of DeLone and McLean in the context of OGD. It extends their model by adding the concepts of social media quality. Since the model is conceptual, further empirical research is needed to test the model.

Citizen engagement with Open Government Data: A model for analyzing factors influencing citizen engagement

26 Januari 2023 / 17 Agustus 2021 Hal. 1 - 254

This research investigates the factors influencing the citizens' intention to engage with Open Government Data (OGD). Governmental organizations are increasingly making non-privacy-restricted and non-confidential data publicly available on the internet that anyone can freely use, reuse, and distribute without any restrictions. The opening up the government data enables citizens to engage with OGD, i.e., to collaboratively convert OGD into valuable artifacts that benefit society. The artifacts are expected to be used to solve societal problems (e.g., detection and prevention of corruption). However, citizen engagement with OGD is contingent upon many factors, and researchers often overlook these factors, and insight is needed to stimulate engagement. Moreover, the current insights into the factors influencing citizens' intentions to engage with OGD are fragmented. This fragmentation refers to the situation in which previous research has examined different factors based on different theories and theoretical models. However, researchers have not investigated these factors in an integrated model. Therefore, this study aims to develop a model for understanding factors contributing to citizen engagement with OGD. This research focuses on digitally literate or technologically skilled citizens who are not government officials. Outside the scope of this research are governmental organizations, OGD users from the public (e.g., civil society organizations or non-governmental organizations) and private sectors (e.g., companies), and OGD beneficiaries (end-users).

Citizen engagement with open government data: a systematic literature review of drivers and inhibitors

26 Januari 2023 / International Journal of Electronic Government Research Vol XVI Issue 3 Juli - September 2022 Hal. 1-32

Citizen engagement with open government data (OGD) can enhance the effectiveness of governments and improve not only the quality of public policy making but also public services provisioning and ability to address societal problems. Although previous research gives insight into citizen's drivers and inhibitors for engaging with OGD, they have not yet been integrated into a single conceptual model. The aims of this study are twofold: 1) to systematically review the literature on individual citizens' drivers and inhibitors for engaging with OGD and 2) to develop a conceptual model of citizen engagement with OGD based on the findings of the literature review. To attain this objective, the authors systematically analyzed 52 papers published in the period 2009-2019. Seven categories of drivers of citizen engagement are identified: citizen's profile, personal, performance-related, economic, social, technical, and political. Three groups of inhibitors are also identified: citizen's profile, technical, and political. This study helps in understanding how the engagement of citizens can be enhanced.

Mewujudkan Visi "e-Audit"

08 April 2014 / Majalah Pemeriksa, No. 112/Tahun XXX, Hlm. 36-38, Tahun 2010

Ketersediaan data tidak hanya terkait dengan bisa tidaknya auditee menyediakan data elektronik, namun juga terkait dengan realibilitas data yang disediakan itu sendiri. Keterlibatan Bito TI sebagai pemain sentral juga harus gesit, dinamis dan lincah untuk memberikan inisiatif-inisiatif kepada stakeholder-nya untuk pencapaian e-audit. Biro TI harus dapat memainkan perannya sebagai enabler, bukan sepagai sekedar supporter. Selain itu diperlukan juga komitmen yang kuat dan konsisten dari seluruh pengambil kebijakan di BPK untuk mewujudkan setiap langkah menuju e-audit.